It’s been a year of TikTok trends. Between the dance routines and catchy tunes, it has led to many viral sensations this past year! But one thing that always stood out for us as being particularly popular on our favorite app was actually recipes. From easy dinners with friends or exciting experiments in your kitchen; there really is something here for everyone who loves food videos– no matter what their tastes are like.
Viral Food Trends in TikTok
Here are some of the most loved food recipes we’ve seen and also make some of us craving crazy this year:
1-Baked Feta Pasta
We can totally relate to this recipe. It’s not hard, but there are those few ingredients that just make our hearts smile- like feta cheese and cherry tomatoes! The best part is how pasta comes into play too – who doesn’t love loading up their plate with carbs while they’re eating healthy?
2-Folded Tortilla Sandwich
This is one of the most unique and delicious sandwiches I have ever known. It’s like a whole new world of possibilities opened up when they invented this genius idea! The key element that makes it so great are all these different toppings you can put in any way you want – from cheese, tomatoes or lettuce for example-and yet every bite still tastes like home cooking without having to do anything complicated at all.”
3-Nature’s Cereal
How about a refreshing and healthy “cereal” option for those sugar-filled cereals? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?! We were skeptical at first but after trying this trend ourselves we had to give in. The coconut water makes up the majority of these drinks which gives them an extra boost – you won’t be able get enough!