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4 Flowers You Can Eat


The kitchen princes and princesses among us know what it’s like to conjure up a beautiful dish on the table. A beautiful dish, what’s in a name, is not only about the flavors but also about the looks. After all, the eye also wants something.

The chance that a dish that looks good will be appreciated is also a lot greater than when you are served a very sweet plate. In that respect, edible flowers can play an important role. After all, unlike eternal roses, they not only add a spicy or sweet touch to your dish, but they also look beautiful. In this way, they provide both an explosion of taste and an explosion of colors.

We would like to introduce you to some flowers that you can eat. From the popular and well-known violet to the slightly less well-known but therefore gastronomically no less beloved snapdragon.

Here are some of our favorite flowers you can eat.


ALSO READ: Myths about Food Debunked


1. The violet

The nice thing about violets is that you can use them almost all year round. Even during colder periods, violets may still be in bloom in your garden. They are a delight to the eye and they also caress your tongue with their sweet character. Violets are popular edible flowers to use in salads or desserts. One tip; do not heat up the violet because then the taste will be lost. Eating raw is therefore the message.

2. The Carnation

7 carnations 7 roses… two perfectly edible flowers of which we are now going to take a closer look at the carnation. If we are talking about a colorful and colorful flower package, then there is a good chance that carnations are involved. After all, this flower is available in numerous colors: from yellow over red to even purple and blue. Perfect to give your dish color. Among the flowers you can eat, carnations are known for their spicy taste with sweet touch. This makes them ideal not only in salads but also in Asian dishes and sauces.

3. The Marigold

The name alone appeals to the imagination. With their bright yellow and orange leaves, they immediately stand out. Bittersweet… this is the best way to describe the taste of the marigold. By the way, did you know that they are not only used to give your dish extra flavor or to brighten up your plate? Indeed, marigolds are also used to give sauces or yogurt a nice color, for example. They sometimes replace the much more expensive saffron. This flower also has a beneficial effect and is used in ointments for skin problems, among other things.

4. The Snapdragon

Snapdragons… a name they owe to the shape they take when you compress them. As for their taste, we can describe them as slightly bitter but also fresh and crunchy. Some people themselves recognize a slight aniseed taste in it. These edible flowers are generally found in salads. However, try to process them in cream cheese or make ice cubes with it.

